Did you know DIET is the primary fuel for early onset Alzheimer's Disease?... Or that 1 in 2 men will receive a cancer diagnosis? ... and 1 in 3 women? Brutal I know! But those numbers are no longer based on genetics. Cancer is only 5 to 8% genetic. Read that again. But these brutal statistics or numbers have grown so high due to EPIGENETICS, which may actually be a good thing. As YOU are not a victim of your genes, you are in control of your health and entire experience, past and future, more than history has led you to believe. Epigenetics translates to "in addition to" our genes. Epigenetics is HOW your behaviors and lifestyle and whole environment affects gene expression, so your choices affect not just day to day experiences, but truly a catalyst to most all dis-ease!
People often ask ... "What is a Health Coach?"
The term may be new language to some but has been around for decades yet really skyrocketed in the last few years, borne out of the need to narrow the widening gap between you, the individual, seeking optimal health and western medicine that mainly focuses on managing symptoms.
Healing and repair is not only about what your are putting IN, but equally important to what you are taking OUT! As a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, and partner, we will create a healing protocol taking many factors into account starting with nutrition, as the science behind phytonutrients, and many antiviral herbs and yes spices have an undeniable connection to cellular repair. Seventy percent (70%) of our immune system is in our gut microbiome, so not only prevention, but healing disease is completely possible, which also includes detoxification, to further help reverse free radical damage, providing the proper terrain needed to re-create your damaged immune system, to reignite our self-healing mechanism.
As your partner I will help you out of your state debilitating fear. empowering you to be proactive in your self-health management and healing, making lifestyle changes including stress and emotional management, elimination of immunosuppressant foods ,integrating whole foods, and when necessary nutrient dense supplementation, providing lymphatic detoxification strategies and help guide you to avoid toxins, not only in your food but we live in a toxic soup environment.... there is much in you daily life that can be impeding your healing, including the self inflicted emotional toxins between your two ears. There is not a cookie-cutter approach and together we will find what will work best for YOU!
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I take referrals from Physicians and Holistic Care professionals as well as work directly with individuals. Through an initial consultation to learn about your current lifestyle (including any medications) and of course your health goals so I may assess the best way to get you there and we partner to make that happen. Whether you or your loved one has a cancer diagnosis, struggling to lose weight... or maybe you are interested in prevention and overall better health, through education, accountability and personal guidance I look forward to helping you ... as SELF CARE IS HEALTH CARE! .